April 21, 2008

Digital Editions and other stuff

In the beginning, blogs (web logs) started out being more like personal journals and diaries. Over time they morphed into, well, other things. I'd like to bring some of the journal-type stuff back into this place. It doesn't hurt to be more personal, does it? Oh, I'm sure I'll talk about my website and especially about Digital Editions (eBooks) and such. But this is a place for all of us who write about and talk about and obsess <g> about eBooks to unwind and relax. To be ourselves. No pressure. Just good music in the background and good company to be with.

I've been a little down, today. Feeling lots of pressure because of my personal situation. I don't want to burden you with the details, so let's just say I'm getting closer and closer to what might turn out to be a bad set of circumstances for me. It's been coming on, now, for several weeks. But I try to remain up and optimistic. Not always easy, that's all.

It always excites me to write about eBooks, though. I consider them to be the "wave of the future". People are becoming more and more aware that eBooks, or "Digital Editions" as I call them, are a coming solution to the growing problem of tree and forest guzzling by the paper media. Books, magazines, newspapers, and huge archives like the Library of Congress continuously grow and require more and more paper. Unless we want to become completely reliant on algae and other plant life in the oceans and seas for our oxygen, we have to find ways to turn this situation around!

Aside from all of the other benefits, trees are not just a source of background for our reading material. They are a significant part of what supplies us the air we breathe! And there are other advantages to ebooks and digital media. I have a webpage here that lists several of these benefits. And if you can think of any more, then I hope you'll share your opinions here.

Thank You Beyond Words,
eBook eDen

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